martin... en viaje

todo relato empieza con un movimiento, desestabilización del personaje. en este caso, un viaje, una mudanza, periplo. de esto se trata: obviedades y petulancias: un portenio en córdoba

viernes, mayo 28, 2010

wet my bed (STP)

Hey everybody, where did Mary go?
Where did Mary go?
And where's my only cigarette?
Please think for me, I can't bare to
I'll just lie here for a while
Wet myself, wet my bed
I've readied it all for her, you know
Clean sheets, incense, a lots of fluffy pillows
Now soiled
And where's my cigarette?
Did you check the bathroom, the bathtub?
She sleeps there sometimes
Water cleanses, you know
Washes dirt away, makes new
Maybe she, maybe she, maybe
she, maybe, maybe she swam away

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